How to teach Kids Chess

How to Set Up a Chess Board: Full Guide Step-by-Step
  • King can move exactly one square horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. At most once in every game, each king is allowed to make a special move, known as castling.
  • Queen can move any number of vacant squares diagonally, horizontally, or vertically.
  • Rook can move any number of vacant squares vertically or horizontally. It also is moved while castling.
  • Bishop can move any number of vacant squares in any diagonal direction.
  • Knight can move one square along any rank or file and then at an angle. The knight´s movement can also be viewed as an “L” or “7″ laid out at any horizontal or vertical angle.
  • Pawns can move forward one square, if that square is unoccupied. If it has not yet moved, the pawn has the option of moving two squares forward provided both squares in front of the pawn are unoccupied. A pawn cannot move backward. Pawns are the only pieces that capture differently from how they move. They can capture an enemy piece on either of the two spaces adjacent to the space in front of them (i.e., the two squares diagonally in front of them) but cannot move to these spaces if they are vacant. The pawn is also involved in the two special moves en passant and promotion.
The knight usually looks like a horse.
The bishop looks like a hat.
The king is the most important piece because the object of the game is to capture the opponent’s king.
Point out the difference in the shape of the queen and king pieces
Rooks are also called castles.

A pawn can move two spaces from its starting position, but only one space after that. A pawn can only capture a piece when it moves diagonally and can never move backwards.
A knight is the only piece that can jump over another piece. It moves in an “L” shape. It can move 2 spaces horizontally and then one space vertically, or it can move 2 spaces vertically and then one space horizontally.
The bishop can move diagonally and any number of squares.
Rooks can move any number of squares forwards, backwards, or horizontally. The rook cannot move diagonally.
The queen can move in any direction and any number of squares. It is one of the most powerful pieces.
The king can move one space in any direction, but two kings can never be side by side.

How To Play Chess For Kids

  • Let your kid take back a move after they see your move. Redditor OphidianZ recommends this tactic: “Letting them take back a move lets them rework the logic of the game. It teaches the process of thinking ahead in a game.”
  • Try starting with a beginner chess game like No Stress ChessThis game teaches beginning players the moves and powers of each chess piece as they’re playing. Then, once they’re comfortable, they can flip over the two-sided board and play standard chess.


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